Create a PM Resume That Gets Call Backs in 5 Days 

So you've poured your heart and soul into your resume and sent it out to your dream company. It's now day 5 and you haven't heard back at all. What happened?

Product Manager resumes are all about outcomes and require showcasing a very specific set of skills.

In the next 5 Days, I'll take you through the secrets of constructing a great PM resume that's guranteed to get your more call backs. 

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The Secret to Landing a Product Management Interview

A lot of aspiring product managers I talk to tell me they only spent an hour or so on their resume. When I ask why they spent so little time, they reply "Resumes are meant to be simple".

It's true - resumes are meant to be simple but that simplicity means thinking very carefully about how to use the limited space, time and attention of the recruiters that will see it. A resume is an advertisement for yourself. Imagine that you are the product. Would a company ever spend less than one hour building an ad campaign for their product?

Of course not. The company thinks carefully about the copy, the UX, the audience and how clear the value proposition is. When you're writing a resume, it's time for you to put on your designer and marketer hat.


You are the Product

Depending on the role you're applying for, you'll typically have a salary upwards of 100K. When you write your resume, you want to think about yourself as a product or an investment that someone is putting at least 100K into.

A buyer doesn't want to hear about what the product can potentially do, they care about what the product has proved it can do. In the same way, hiring managers want to hear about outcomes when discussing your previous work.

Sometimes your work won't fit in exactly to the skills they're looking for. That's ok. If you've had a look at the Product Go course, you'll know we teach you how to overcome that as you go through your journey towards product management. Nobody ever starts out as a PM - it's a step by step process that gets you there.

"You want to think about yourself as a product or an investment that someone is putting at least 100K into"

There are no shortcuts

The transition to a product manager takes time, typically between 6-12 months. With the right mindset, processes and tools - you're pretty much guaranteed a job by the end of that period. If you miss any key steps along the way, your journey may turn out longer than it has to be.

A key part of that journey is understanding how to get your foot in the door with a great resume. Click through below to access our guide that's helped hundreds of students land their dream PM jobs.

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